Monday, March 25, 2013

Why Chinese Girls Like Foreign Guys

I had a discussion with a group of chinese and foreign friends the other day, the question being why do Chinese girls like foreign guys. Let’s dispense with the preliminaries by saying of course why does anyone like anyone because we are all just people. Now let’s really talk. There is a huge amount of Chinese girls who like foreign guys that is undeniable. So, why do they liked foreign guys?

Money: There is no reason this needs to be a bad thing. I mean it’s higher up on the list than I think it should be but I come from a different culture. Even if the foreign man doesn’t have money in his pocket he’s got great earning potential from just being a foreigner. He will always have work here in China if he wants it and if he wants to go home to his rich country (as the girls see it) he can do that too and so he makes a good choice for a husband. Sensible I suppose.

Appearance: It’s a novelty if you have lived your whole life looking at people with black eyes and hair. So someone with blonde or brown hair and oh my god BLUE eyes seems wildly exotic. This the element that makes us all seem like movie stars. A lot of Chinese girls will have had no experience with foreigners other than the ones they see in the movies and who wouldn’t want to date a movie star. If you said no you’re just lying to yourself my friend.
harisma: Foreign guys are pretty romantic actually. I never really thought that at home, but in comparison to what I have seen of my friends who have Chinese boyfriends, I think the foreigner who shows up with flowers and actually calls when he says he will is playing his cards exactly right. Realistically foreigners are just different from Chinese so everything we say and express is new to Chinese girls and therefore exciting and intoxicating.

Confidence-Bravado-Machismo: Foreign guys are born with it and if not then they had it forced on them growing up so as not to be subject to a head in the toilet scenario all through school. Point is Foreign guys are confident and masculine which equates to safety and sexual attraction. A confident guy appears to be the alpha male, the leader of the pack, the cream of the crop and the one everyone wants. So when a girl gets a guy like that she holds on for dear life (doubly so in China). Guys who at home would never be considered a trophy seems like big winners here. They say one’s mans garbage is another’s treasure. Case and point.

Green Card-Opportunity: Yes of course. Being with a foreign guy opens a lot of doors some of them to planes that can carry you to another country! It’s not a great reason, it’s pretty sleazy really to be with a guy for this reason, but at least no one can say that girl doesn’t have ambition!

Being Cool-Face: Dating a foreigner, a rarity, a novelty; having something other people don’t, hey that makes you look pretty cool. Everyone who sees you will wonder what makes her so special? I am sure it makes a girl feel pretty good. Until it turns to paranoia and the girls start to think their foreign man is cheating every time he’s out of sight for single second.

Sex: While I find this one a bit unlikely I was forced to admit that it is indeed a possibility. I don’t kiss and tell but I will say Chinese guys are no legends in bed, but neither are foreigners (yep I said it.) It’s all hit and miss when it comes to sex. Despite this my male friends seem to think every Chinese girl they sleep with is going wild for them because the sex is that damn good. Verdict: Yeah sometimes pigs fly so what can I say?

There are lots of reasons why any two people are together, but when it comes to Chinese girl-foreign guy relationships, I think you got your answers right there. Don’t thank me, it’s for the greater good.

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